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Rev Dr Terry Wall
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Auckland Lay Preachers recover the Jewish Jesus

Rev Dr Terry Wall and Linda Hall —

The Auckland ecumenical network of lay preachers is committed to keeping up to date with developments in theology and holds regular workshops for their its members. Rev Dr Terry Wall & Linda Hall report on their its most recent meeting for continuing education held at St. Paul’s Methodist Church, Remuera.

We are open to engage with current trends in biblical interpretation. We are wanting to grow spiritually, to be intellectually stretched and to stay fresh for our ministries.

At our March meeting, 24 participants were reminded how central culture is in shaping our world view and providing us with perspectives on what it means to be human. So often we fail to take the cultural dimension into account when reading scripture.

In his presentation on the Jewishness of Jesus, Rev Dr Terry Wall suggested that if we want to understand Jesus, we had to take the Jewish context of Jesus seriously. The faith Jesus was shaped in, the vision he embraced and the path he walked were Jewish. Reading the New Testament through a Jewish lens will help us to encounter the Torah observant Jesus.

Early in its life the church, to emphasise its distinctiveness, developed its identity over and against the synagogue. New Testament writers wrote in a context of conflict over identity and portrayed Jesus as different from his heritage. Later, Jews were blamed for the death of Jesus (rather than the Romans) and Christianity was seen to supersede Judaism.

These theological developments gave rise to what is called the teaching of contempt. Christian antisemitism has been prevalent throughout European history and provided the seed bed for the Holocaust. Today the church is seeking new models of its relationship to Judaism. We are seeking to read the Bible and discover our indebtedness to Jesus’ Jewish tradition.

Lively groups reflected on quotations from writers in the field. Questions were raised about the negative portrayal of the Pharisees. The subject matter was not familiar to all in attendance, but we had a sense that by treating Jesus’ cultural context with care, new approaches to interpretation were being opened up. In our sermon preparation we will be aware of continuities with the Jewish tradition and will hesitate before contrasting law and grace.

The next meeting will be held on Saturday 26 August 9.30am -12.30pm at St Paul's Methodist Remuera, Auckland. TeRito Peyroux-Semu, Vice President, MCNZ Te Hāhi Weteriana o Aotearoa will engage lay preachers in self-reflection.

For further information or to register, please contact: lindajeanhall00@gmail.com.