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Climbing Trees

Joshua Robertson —

From the time we can talk, most Samoan children are taught to recite answers to a series of questions based on the bible and some of its well known stories. Some of the questions include: Who made you? God, Who is your Saviour? Jesus, Who were the first people on earth? Adam and Eve, Who struck the rock? Moses…

The questions progress from Old Testament to the New Testament which include Who climbed the Sycamore tree? Zacchaeus, Why did he climb the sycamore tree? To see Jesus.

Those who could quickly provide the correct answers were considered very clever with good biblical knowledge! Unfortunately, I wasn’t one of those. However when I think about it now I wonder how many children - or adults for that matter - actually go on to learn more about the stories behind these quick-fire questions.

So who climbed the Sycamore tree? Zacchaeus, Why did he climb the sycamore tree? To see Jesus

So why did this wealthy tax collector who was short in stature decide to climb a tree to see Jesus?

Tax collectors of the time were renowned for collecting more tax than they were supposed to, with the additional takings usually ending up in their own pockets. Regularly taking advantage of their position of power at the expense of others meant they were despised by the general community.

However Zacchaeus was obviously moved to want to make a change – his heart probably strangely warmed after having heard and possibly seen what this Jesus guy had been up to in the community. So he climbed a tree with the hope of getting a good view of Jesus but he got more than he probably bargained on getting, as Jesus looked straight up at him, called Zacchaeus by name and invited himself to be a guest at Zacchaeus’ house for the evening. His subsequent fellowship with Jesus would facilitate his offer to give half his possessions away to those in need and pay back four times whatever he may have cheated out of others.

The desire for positive change is what motivated Zacchaeus to seek Jesus, despite the obvious physical and social challenges he faced. Sometimes we face barriers that seemingly prevent us from reaching out to make change. This story serves as a reminder that when we build up the courage to overcome such challenges by “climbing a tree” we can rest assured that Jesus will never disappoint! 

God bless.