Hero photograph
Photo by Ady Shannon

Prayers from the hearts of our young people

Youth MCNZ —

Youth share prayers for MCNZ as we lead up to Conference 2022.

What’s old is new

God, help us to bring the old and new out of our treasure

In our expressions of worship through language and creativity,

In the coming together of generations

In the future that is shaped by our memory

In our pursuits for justice in all forms

In the crafting of community

God, help us to bring the old and new out of our treasure. Amen.

A vibe

Holy Spirit, be a vibe. Like an instinct and intuition. Move us towards positivity, determination and hope. Stir us into action, inspired and empowered to make a difference in the world. Remind us of who we are – loved and called to carry your good vibrations everywhere we go. Prevent us from procrastinating when called to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly. Help us to be present and available to our neighbour and those close to us. Amen.


Christ, who is Lord in both virtual and physical spaces,

I am subscribed to the content of your love.

I am a follower of your way

You are constantly trending toward life and far away from death

More and more people are viewing your work

Your forgiveness continues to be shared

Every comment and reaction to your actions are life affirming

Nothing about your nature is fabricated or filtered.


Help us to follow in the footsteps of those who have gone before us. Help us to learn from their wisdom and vision as we discern what is next. Help us to learn from their mistakes and regrets in the hope of avoiding repetition of past errors. Help us to learn from their struggles and challenges, so that we may build the same resilience and courage through our own. Help us to learn from their faithfulness and devotion, so that we may make disciples and be discipled. Help us to learn from their sacrifice, so that we may understand our actions in love for those who will come after us. Amen.


Spirit of God, you are creating

We were formed in dust and vapour

Shaped in your image,

Moulded and crafted into imperfect beings

Galaxies take shape in your hand,

Trees sway back and forth in the wind of your breath,

Eco-systems of all kinds of creatures are products of your handiwork.

Everything is held together in an intricate balance of creative energy

Let everything you declared to be good, come under our constant care and deep appreciation. Amen.

Like children

Parent God, may we be more like children. In the ways that we enquire and seek to discover. In the ways we learn and pick up new ways of doing things. In our honest assessments of the world around us. In our vibrant expressions of joy and happiness. In our messy-ness and rough edges. In our tantrums and unhappiness at the things that are not right. In our need to be cared for and looked after. In our growth and development and in our admiration and adoration of you. Parent God, may we be more like children. Amen.

Beyond the walls

Comforting God, we pray for young people beyond the walls of our church. We think of youth who are homeless and invisible. Comforting God, push us beyond the walls.

We think of youth who are victims of abuse and suffer in silence. Comforting God, push us beyond the walls.

We think of those who are bullied and attacked in the courtyards and online by others without remorse. Comforting God, push us beyond the walls.

We think of youth who are buckling under the weight of expectation and cultural pressures to be, act and think in a certain manner. Comforting God, push us beyond the walls.

We think of youth who have been treated poorly within our walls. Not given a voice or place of value and worth. Comforting God, push us beyond the walls.

We think of youth who face difficulties of mental health, to such a point where they come to question the value of their own lives. Comforting God, push us beyond the walls.

Though we don’t have all the answers, we respond in faithfulness to your calling, to send us wherever we need to be. This is our prayer.


Jesus, capture our attention and help us not to continue scrolling. Keep us focused on the things that are important. Bring into the forefront of our thinking everything that affirms life in all its fullness. Put before us all things that lead to transformation and the renewing of our thinking. Keep us away from toxic traits and patterns that seek to lure us into a false sense of security. Thank you for being more than a snapshot and moment in time. Amen.

Church in the mirror

Forgive us for times when we, the church, have mistreated one another. When we have abused and overworked others into anxiety. When we have tarnished another’s outlook of who we are through our lack of compassion and love. When we have tokenised and underestimated. Lord, for times as these, when people have this experience, challenge us to look in the mirror and change for the better. Where we need to realign and unlearn, let it be so. Help us to be reflective and accountable in times where our actions lead to others being hurt. God be with us. Amen.

Don’t Punch Down

The church is a celebration of diversity, where people from all corners come together. Saints and sinners, young and old, knowing and unknowing, loved and hurt - all are welcome. While we gather with a greater growth and purpose in mind, Lord help us to never punch down. Help us rise together with others. To proclaim good news in good ways. To journey far together. To be patient with those who take the long way around. To be graceful toward those who have grace towards us. Let us be a church that refuses to punch down. Amen.