Rev Dr Trevor Hoggard, Auckland Synod Central Parishes Convenor — Aug 24, 2023

On Sunday 6 August Auckland synod’s Central Parishes Region came together for a joint service hosted by the Mt Albert Parish.

This event was planned by the parish synod representatives in response to a recently adopted strategy document called Parish Partnerships. The aim of the strategy is to encourage parishes to share in ministry and mission as a response to falling numbers and dwindling financial and human resources.

Attempts to revive the old-style co-operation which was the essence of the circuit system have failed to gain traction over the years. We recognize and acknowledge that some form of greater co-operation is needed to meet future challenges. Parish Partnerships seeks to facilitate the sharing of resources whilst avoiding the inflexibility of the circuit model.

Parishes are encouraged to share ministry and mission initiatives with any parish within the synod for whatever purpose (youth work; property concerns; lay and ordained preachers etc.) for as long as such partnerships remain fruitful. When the partnership has run its course, new partners can be found for new initiatives.

This model of co-operation does not require the significant hurdle of complete and permanent amalgamation of parishes based solely upon geography but allows for flexibility to work with others who are embarking upon a similar programme or who have similar needs.

The service received contributions from several parishes across the region and a positive and energizing spirit pervaded the entire inspiring and uplifting event. Whilst things can appear to be increasingly challenging at the local parish level for many parishes, events such as these suggest that strategic input from synods may help stimulate fresh thinking, new hope and greater confidence. In that hope, we have announced a second joint service to be held at Epsom church on 10 December which will take a Christmas theme. The synod is grateful to all those parishes for their support.