NZMWF visit to Manurewa. by Supplied

Thanks for the Memories

As we come to the end of our term of being in the New Zealand Methodist Women’s Fellowship (NZMWF) National Executive, I reflect on how much I have learnt as a young Samoan tamaita’i (girl) in my role of Liaison Link during the past two years.

“For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them” – Matthew 18:20 

Coming into this role, I had little knowledge of what I was supposed to be doing as a Liaison Link. As the months progressed and visits to different districts started happening, I learnt and grew more each day. I am truly grateful for this calling to serve God through this role and for being able to reach out and connect with other districts.

District visits are important because they help our President and the National Executive to be visible and show support to our districts. The visits help us know what goes on the different districts and if any districts have any concerns. Reflecting on our theme, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together,” this reinforces the importance and the purpose of district visits. The visits act as welfare checks and make sure we are all moving forward TOGETHER so that we may go far and pave the way for the next generation who will carry on our legacy in the NZMWF.

We were also lucky enough to start our term as Covid-19 restrictions were beginning to ease up, so we were able to travel and have large gatherings again. Our visits to the districts have been a combination of face-to-face and Zoom.

I thank our District Links who have reached out and set dates for the NZMWF President to come and visit each district. We have enjoyed being a part of many meetings and fun activities. I thank the districts for the gifts we received, the royalty treatment, the many teachings and the food provided. Our hearts are full and we look forward to reconnecting soon at our National Convention in Auckland.

We look forward to our up-and-coming visits – see you soon Waikato District - and we welcome hearing from any district that we have not already visited. Please contact us so that we can organise a time to visit before Convention. God Bless you all.