Congregation members from Crossroads Methodist Church and Manukau Synod celebrated Wesley Day on Sunday, 28 May. by .Image supplied

John Wesley Day Celebration Crossroads Methodist Church, Papakura

On Sunday 28 May Crossroads Methodist Church held a combined service with Manukau Synod to celebrate Wesley Day - also known as Aldersgate Day - an anniversary observed by Methodists.

The theme: ‘A Heart-warming Experience’ encouraged us to reminisce on the day, 24 May 1738, when priest John Wesley unwillingly went to a group meeting in Aldersgate Street, London, where after hearing someone read Luther's preface to the Epistle to the Romans, he felt his heart strangely warmed. He felt the change which God worked in his heart through faith in Jesus Christ. This crucial moment in his life ultimately led him to the development of the Methodist movement.

The parish and synod members were informed of this celebration a few weeks earlier and many were curious and looking forward to the evening service. Parish presbyter Rev Suresh Chandra welcomed everyone and Rev Misilei Misilei (co-superintendent) led the service. When Misilei welcomed ‘Rev John Wesley’ it was like going back to 1738. When Wesley took his seat for an interview with the television reporter, Lynette Buchan, it was revealed that it was Rev Norman Brookes, a Wesley enthusiast. He gave a reflection that seemed as though John Wesley was preaching.

Presbyters from the synod, including Rev Motekiai Fakatou, Rev Vaitu’ulala Ngahe and Rev Amos Muzondiwa (co-superintendent) joined together for the service..

To conclude, in-house chefs Lupe Smythe and Sela Loveday prepared freshly baked treats. The delightful evening provided an opportunity for many to catch up with friends and church leaders and helped enhance the celebration and feeling of oneness.