Aukilani District Youth singing Unity to end the 2023 Rally by Image supplied.

The World Blinds and the Word Opens Minds

On Sunday 27 August, Sinoti Samoa Auckland district held a district Youth Rally, involving all the six churches preparing and presenting performances to the other youth as well as parents, family and friends who joined us for the event.

The theme for Aukilani Youth Rally 2023 was: The World Blinds and the Word Opens Minds from the verse Hebrews 4:12. Each church group prepared songs, dances and skits which showcased how they interpreted the theme and what they wanted to share about this theme.

Panmure Methodist Youth hosted the rally and led the praise and worship which flowed into a night of fellowship amongst youth from different churches. It was a night filled with spiritual learnings, sharing, and building connection with each other and in our relationship with God.

Auckland District Youth, Panmure Methodist, Taeaomua, Ta’iala, Waterview Methodist and Siona youths performing. — Image by: Image supplied

At the end, all the youth joined together on stage to sing a song called Unity, written by the late Reverend David Palelei for the Auckland District.

Thank you to our pastors, ta’ita’I itu malo Aukilani, Reverend Falaniko Mann-Taito, Superintendent of Sinoti Samoa, Paulo Ieli, as well as the host pastor Reverend Fatuatia Tufuga, parents and churches who supported our event and made everything possible.

We also thank New Zealand Sports for providing funds for the extension stage we added to the Panmure Methodist Church stage that helped accommodate the performers. Without your support in this it would not have resulted in the successful night we had.