Waitakere Parish confirmands join Rev Augusten Subhan, the Auckland District Superintendent, Rev Uesifili Unasa and MCNZ Presidential team Rev Peter Taylor and TeRito Peyroux-Semu. by Supplied

Confirmation Service for Waitakere Methodist Parish

After a break of many years, Parish Superintendent, Rev Augusten Subhan, decided it was time there was a confirmation service in the Waitakere Parish.

He arranged confirmation classes for members of the Massey, Henderson and Glen Eden churches. On 16 July MCNZ President, Rev Peter Taylor, Vice-President, TeRito Peyroux-Semu and the Auckland District Superintendent, Rev Uesifili Unasa, joined Rev Augusten at the Glen Eden church as 29 church members recalled their baptism and committed themselves through confirmation to follow Jesus Christ within the fellowship of the Methodist Church.

Rev Peter spoke of the privileges and burdens of being president as he encouraged the confirmands to embrace the privileges of being a Christian but to also realise that, at times, it would be a burden. He referenced the reading from the epistles (2 Cor 8: 1-5). The churches in Macedonia wanted the privilege of helping other Christians who were struggling financially, even though they could barely afford to do so, and this would be a burden to them. Rev Peter reminded the congregation that Jesus promises to help us carry our burdens, as we had heard in the Gospel reading (Matt 11: 25-30).

Lay preachers from the parish participated in the laying on of hands of those being confirmed before the Rev Peter formally blessed each one. To conclude the service, the confirmands each received a certificate and a candle to symbolise them taking the light of Christ into the world. The celebration continued with a shared lunch and fellowship in the church hall.