Prayers for all seasons by .

Prayers for all Seasons

Garth Cant reviews a collection of prayers compiled by the prayer leader of a Christchurch congregation that loves to worship.

Dorothy Drew crafts prayers. After seven decades in the world of work, community, and local church leadership, Dorothy has homed in on one special task. She leads in the prayers of her local congregation at Aldersgate on Durham Street, Christchurch.

Her prayers celebrate our seasons, the liturgical year, and special moments in the life of a city and a worshipping congregation. The good things are enjoyed and the tough things are faced up to. Prayer 1 for an ordinary Sunday, for example delights in "stars of the Southern skies, for sweeping wind, for crashing waves and foam-covered rocks” and acknowledges “crippling fear, disturbing drought, and family disorder”.

Covid lockdowns have been shared and lonely. Dorothy has a prayer that thanks God for the technology that enables us to keep in touch with family and friends, and tells God we miss, “Human touch, the warmth of a smile, the comfort of a hug, and being together in worship”.

ANZAC Day is poignant for Methodists. Many of us have forbears who fought in wars, and those who were pacifists in wars. Dorothy helps us to honour both:

God of gentleness. . . help us to treat gently our families, our friends, our neighbours . . . We know you accept us as we are. May we too learn to accept others just as they are.

Aldersgate loves good worship, and supports worship with architecture, music, banners of different faiths, inclusive congregational life, and prophetic messages. Dorothy’s prayers are embedded in this nexus; she has crafted a book that affirms these things, and makes them available to the wider Church.

This book is a great affirmation of lay people sharing their skills in worship, and special people who have been part of the Aldersgate journey. Among them: Naylor Hilary, Rev Mary Caygill, Matthew (son of Jeanette and David), Rev Jill van de Geer, Geoff and Doreen Hill, and Wallace Woodley. The book is made complete by the photography of Philip Clarke and Rev Philomeno Kinera, and the design skills of Philip Garside.

This free publication is available from Aldersgate Centre, PO Box 1416, Christchurch. (03) 365 1855. A koha may be made towards printing and postage.