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Pupil Support – Counselling


Why does Middleton Grange School have a counselling service?

Our young people face enormous pressures in today’s world. Social networking means constant connection at any time day or night. It means our young people are often drawn into each other’s emotions while at the same time trying to solve their own and their friends’ problems. Socialising is an important part of being human and we need to promote this, but the extent of emotional and social connection is creating overload for our young people. It is emotionally tough to juggle school work, friendships, family, commitments to other activities while still growing and learning how to be your own person.

Social anxiety is also on the increase. Young people match themselves against each other and can feel as if they are constantly being observed. Real life presents challenges to all of us but when young people experience grief, depression, family problems and anxiety it is overwhelming and often more than they or their friends can handle. As Proverbs 12.25 says. “Anxiety in the heart of people causes depression, but a good word makes it glad.”

As counsellors at Middleton Grange School we listen, support and use specific strategies to empower our young people to face what is happening for them so they find a way forward. Even Jesus took time out to be quiet with his Father and renew himself emotionally, physically and spiritually. We desire to see our pupils grow healthy and use their God given gifts to live the life God has given them.

Helping our young people grow and mature often starts with the adults around them finding their own healthy and mature way to live. This leads to big decisions for the adults in a young person’s life. What are we modelling? How is God calling us to live?

The Middleton Grange Guidance Unit recognises the family as the primary support system for our pupils. We like to work closely with parents and caregivers to achieve the best outcome. If your child or young person is struggling and you think they would benefit from our input please phone or email us. Sometimes having a chat is all that is needed or maybe we will see a pupil for a period of time. In some circumstances an external agency maybe better suited to the situation and we can be part of making this referral. Being proactive is important as supportive and professional intervention has real benefits.

Please know we are here as part of Middleton Grange’s overall goal of growing healthy and Godly young men and women.

School Counsellors

Mike Coleman

B.Th, B.Com

Cert. Psych Care (Child & Adolescent)

Dip. Teaching, Registered Teacher

Member NZAC


Anne Aiken

MEd Counselling

Dip. Teaching, Registered Teacher

Provisional Member NZAC
