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Christmas Boxes 2017

Christmas Gift Boxes - Who Will...?


WNHA have 12 boxes packed and postage for 8, leaving $40 outstanding.

Vertical Groups are encouraged to participate in Samaritan's Purse 'Operation Christmas Child', packing a Shoebox of gifts for needy children in Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, PNG, Fiji, Vanuatu and Samoa.

WNHA have embraced the challenge with gusto and have 12 boxes packed and ready to go.... except the postage per box is $10 and they are sounding the call for help to raise the final $40 needed. Will another vertical group take up the cause? Perhaps a school family or group of friends would sponsor a box?

A special thanks to Naomi Turner who purchased almost all of the toys from her own money, going to Kmart once a week all year; a very noble effort.