Hero photograph
Service Day Y10

Middle School Service Day


Year 7s kept up a time-honoured tradition of designing and creating welcome cards for pupils starting the Middle School in 2018. This act of service is always appreciated by the new pupils.

A small group, conducted by Miss Hitchens, visited Maples Lifecare Retirement Village. Accompanied by Flynn Adamson (7Ke) on guitar, the group sang carols to the residents and gave out Christmas cards. The residents then gave the children cards that they had made that morning. On their return, pupils commented on how much they had enjoyed their visit and they hoped they was an opportunity to go back one day. 

About half of Year 8 spent the day at Ara in preparation for Christmas for the City, a free event on this Saturday.  The other half spent the day in service activities around the school providing valuable hands-on sorting, organising and tidy-up assistance in the drama department scene sets area; food and nutrition rooms, textiles room, PE department and reading resources. They also helped and packing gifts for Foster Hope. These gifts were purchased with profits from the recent Year 8 Market Week.

Year 9s spent the day in class groups. Spencer Park Beach is now a cleaner, tidier place thanks to the efforts of 9GA. The same can be said of Denton Park (thanks 9LI); Halswell Domain (nice one 9LH) and Westlake Reserve (shout out to 9SM). A community market garden had help with planting, tending and weeding (massive effort 9GM).

Special thanks to the parents who were willing to help with transport and to all who worked hard in the hot sun - staff, pupils, and parents alike. Our efforts made a noticeable difference, and some would even say we had fun!  

Year 10s helped lay gravel as part of the track from Godley Head to Taylors Mistake. In sweltering conditions they lugged wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow of gravel and did an amazing job to help the Department of Conservation.