From the Principal


Dear Parents, Caregivers and Whanau,

As we near the end of Term 2 it is good to look back and reflect on the events of the last three months, especially on the impact of Covid-19 on our lives, our jobs, our country and the world.

There is a maori whakatauki, "Ka mua, ka muri" which means "walking backwards into the future". The essence of this proverb is that we should look to the past to inform the future. Many people are asking what learnings can be taken from the Covid-19 pandemic experience to assist us as we plan for the future. Many of us have adapted and learned new IT skills, including Zoom and other platforms. Businesses have adjusted their work habits to allow for staff to work from home or be more flexible in their working hours. Churches have learned to have worship services online and we have all become more conscious of personal hygiene and social distancing. Schools have continued by using flexible, remote and distance learning to ensure students wellbeing and learning could be managed appropriately. Many businesses have failed and there have and will continue to be job losses as a result of Covid-19.

As Christians what have we learned? For many it will be about what is important in life and where we put our hope and trust. I know for many that Psalm 121 has been a comforting passage of scripture and a beautiful reminder that: Our Help Comes from the Lord

Psalm 121

1I lift up my eyes to the hills.
From where does my help come?
2 My help comes from the Lord,
who made heaven and earth.

3 He will not let your foot be moved;
he who keeps you will not slumber.
4 Behold, he who keeps Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.

5 The Lord is your keeper;
the Lord is your shade on your right hand.
6 The sun shall not strike you by day,
nor the moon by night.

7 The Lord will keep you from all evil;
he will keep your life.
8 The Lord will keep
your going out and your coming in
from this time forth and forevermore.

We can be thankful that we have a loving, sovereign God who loves us and is in control, even though we may struggle to understand what is happening and why.

Can I encourage us all to take these things to our Lord in prayer and to spend time in his word daily.

Romans 8:31–32

"What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us? He who did not withhold his own Son, but gave him up for all of us, will he not with him also give us everything else?"

Thank you for your ongoing support of our school; financially, practically and through your prayers.

I wish you all a blessed time over the upcoming holidays as you spend time together as families and enjoy a period of rest and recreation.

Blessings in Christ

Mike Vannoort
