Hero photograph
Year 8 Maori Art

8JO tell their story through Māori Art


Māori symbols are shared across many New Zealand art forms (tattoo art and pounamu carving especially) and have symbolism or meaning that comes from their original use hundreds of years ago, visually representing parts of the culture, belief system, and history of Maori.

Our class of 8Jo, along with our teacher Mrs van Dalen, had a go at using some symbols on individual paper feathers. Before beginning our mural we discussed the significance of symbolism and narrative through art as these art forms display part of who you are, where you have come from, and what's important to you.

The mural reflects the key values of whanaungatanga (a sense of belonging), manaakitanga (extending help/support) and kotahitanga (unity). While not all the feathers tell a story, we ensured at least one of our feathers held symbolic meaning of the history within our individual whānau. We want to tell of our turangawaewae 'our place to stand' through our art. The rest of the feathers we just did for fun!