Year 9SC Camp Days – March 2 & 3 2022
On a cool Wednesday morning at the beginning of March, 9SC started their 2022 camp journey. The first day was spent at Halswell Quarry. We played a bunch of games led by our wonderful Y13 camp leaders that got us socialising with various people in our class. The idea was to communicate and work together as a team. It was challenging but a lot of fun too.
The next morning was cool and crisp, but the sun was shining. We drove to the starting point for our walk to Cave Stream. During the walk, we passed through rivers. We had to hold onto each other for support. While going through Cave Stream, shrieks and laughter echoed around the stunning limestone walls. The water was freezing but refreshing. Cave Stream was so much fun and challenged us in a big way. Afterwards, we had to walk uphill to the vans. We spent the remainder of the day doing more team bonding activities. The day finished with some delicious nachos – cooked by ourselves!
Thank you to all the Y13 camp leaders (Mackenzie, Coby, Lachie, Millie, and Poppy) who made this trip one to remember. Thank you also to Mr Barlow, Mr Medland, Ms Halliday, Mr Elder, Mr Scully, and Mr McLintock (Breana’s dad) who helped us in different ways too. Special thanks to Mr Liebert who made this trip possible.
As a whānau class, the key to having a peaceful and harmonious class is teamwork. Each of us having each other's back. This verse describes the type of class we want to be. At our camp, we were constantly reminded that we are a team and the only way we could complete the challenges was to be a team.
1 Corinthians 12:14
The body of Christ, or the people that are the whole of humanity, are a team. The body is not supported by one person, but by all of us. We are one, we are strongest working together in unity. Teamwork is the key to living life in harmony, so that we can do God's will
Sisilia Misa (9SC)