Confronting the Media Battle For Souls
MGS - August 11, 2017
NOTE: below this article are several links to further educate and assist parents in these matters.
Thanks to your Special Character donations, we were able to bring David and Katie Kobler into the school on Monday 31 July to speak to our pupils on the issues that stare them in the face every time they log in to their devices and, in fact, relentlessly invade the atmosphere they breathe on a daily basis.
Year 10-13 pupils spent the morning, boys with David and girls with Katie, in authentic presentations that awoke their awareness of the hazards associated with social and other media peddling of bodies and sex, and the unsubtle pressure to submit to the pornography trade. The impact of those talks on our pupils has been astounding. Their comments universally expressed gratitude for providing them with this opportunity to have these pressing issues confronted head-on in a thoroughly biblical, but non-preachy way, that offered them paths through the blurred lines between the devaluing social pressures on their sexuality and God’s plan and design for them and their relationships
We were overwhelmed with the response of parents to the invitation to attend the Tuesday evening seminar, and at some points were sure we might need to live-stream the talk into the Drama studio! Thank you so much for coming out, and for making an already long Parent Pupil Teacher Conference evening even longer. It was clearly worth the effort.
David and Katie released the young people from the ‘taboo’ around these topics that bind them, at best in confusion, and at worst in guilt and shame leading to depression and helplessness. Not only did they give them permission to talk about their questions and regrets, but they encouraged them to talk to you, their parents, about these things. An important plea from the speakers to parents was that we do not shut our teens down with expressions of anger and shock that they are facing, or have been pulled into, destructive practices; but to offer them the loving advice and guidance that will lead to freedom and healing.
Parents, the talk highlighted the difficult times in which our young people are placed. Rather than despairing, with the resources of the Kingdom of God at our disposal we can speak the liberating Truth of the Gospel of peace into their fears and confusion and help them to see through and dispel the invasive deceptions of downward-spiralling social norms. As a school we desire, in strong partnership with you, to equip your sons and daughters to own the conviction of and develop the courage to follow God’s plan in this and every other area of their lives.
Further information:
- The Kobler Seminar Parent Summary, download from the attachments section below.
- What every parent needs to know about the updated Instagram
A few weeks back there was considerable controversy over the release of the "13 Reasons Why" movie, viewed by thousands of young people up and down the country. As a Christian community we cannot be bystanders on these important issues. Statistics remind us that teen suicide is a reality in NZ society and needs to be addressed in a wise manner.
Whether or not we believe the movie falls into the category of wise exposure, it has circulated, and many of our pupils have seen it. focus on the Family's Parenting Experts have created a booklet to guide parents through the conversations that would be beneficial to have with their sons and daughters. Click here to access it. Please look at it. There is a huge amount of excellent information including useful tips for addressing this sensitive issue, and in particular, working through the disturbing nature of the movie's content.