Hero photograph

Year 6 Trek-About to Godley Head


On Tuesday 15th February the two Year 6 classes headed to Taylors Mistake to explore the area around Godley Head. We were blessed with ideal weather conditions and there was very little evidence of the heavy rain that had fallen a few days earlier. We meandered along the coastal track looking out over the glistening ocean as it gently rose and fell with the small swell. Arriving at the first gun emplacement for morning tea was a welcome sight for some after the short but steep climb out of Boulder Bay. Once walking again, we were amazed by the large numbers of red admiral butterflies (a species endemic to New Zealand) that swarmed around as we passed the clumps of nettle plants, they called home. Soon we arrived at the main coastal defence battery. Unfortunately, this area is currently temporarily closed, and we were not able to explore the main buildings or the underground ammunition magazines. The track then led us across open farmland and along the dual use track to Breezes Col. From here we zig zagged, our way down the Anaconda Track back to Taylors Mistake.

It was great to step out of the classroom and explore some of the local history and the amazing natural environment that we are blessed to have on our backdoor here in Christchurch. They are now looking forward to the next Trek-About in early Term 2.