Hero photograph
Room 11

Room 11


Here are some of the things Room 11 has been learning.

Room 11 has been learning to imagine their selves inside bible stories. Here are some interpretations of the boy whose food Jesus uses to feed the 5000. 

Freddie Read: I was just another kid in the crowd.

Jesus was telling his amazing stories to at least 5000! I had been listening all day. I couldn’t stop, it was like getting hypnotised.

Suddenly my tummy rumbled and I yawned, it was getting dark and I was getting hungry. I remembered my 5 pieces of bread and two small fish, but I didnt think anything of it. Then I saw Jesus’ disciples having a coversation with Jesus. They said “its getting late, we should send them home so they can get something to eat.”

Jesus replied “You get them something to eat.” Suddenly the desicples were calling out to the crowds. “Does anyone have some food?”

“I do” I say quietly. Next thing I know I am standing next to Jesus in front of a crowd. Jesus took the bread and the fish and gave thanks. He gave out the bread and everyone had as much as they wanted. EVERYBODY! There were 12 baskets leftover. Right at that moment lots of people were convinced that he was the King.

Room 11 has been using to ‘show not tell’ to make our writing descriptive. Here are some samples:

Esther Jun: “I looked at the clock. It was 11:59, which meant that my brothers should be back in three hours. Three whole, boring hours. I sighed deeply, fiddling with the corners of my pillow. I had tried everything.” (Being bored.)

Aidan Jiang: “I was sprinting carelessly. I turned around to take a rest. Instead of seeing Mum and Dad, I saw a huge forest of unfamiliar feet.” (Being lost. )

Cohen Pope: “My eyes saw sparkly, sandy beaches with howling winds, flying seas and plummeting buckets of rain. I saw pancake rocks and astonishing, exploding blowholes. I saw extreme weather and splendid hiding spots.” (Being on holiday.)

Kimberley Saunders: “I saw the big beady eyes of millions of people staring at me. I felt the gentle little butterflies transform into devious evil snakes.” (Being on stage.)

Room 11 has been learning songs on the recorder. We went outside to play our melodies to the birds in the bush. 

Room 11 have been learning how we can encourage native birds to our gardens. Here are some of their suggestions. 

Kimberley Saunders: Give your cat a colourful collar, so that the birds will see it coming.

Levi Wallis: Get rid of pests and predators.

Lily Smith: Plant bird feeders with seeds that native birds like.