MGS — Aug 5, 2019

The pupils in Textiles Technology have the opportunity to produce clothes for disadvantaged children of the world who might otherwise be abducted into prostitution , killed, or used in other dreadful situations. It has been noted that if children are clothed the marauders who come into the villages seeking children , leave them alone – because it seems someone cares about them. We also make clothes for the Aroha Home of Hope in Uganda (pictured above) and Jacqui and Rory White have spoken to classes here. Our pupils experience many emotions making these clothes; sadness, love for others, joy that they can personally do something for others, and hope. The Lord’s message in this is to care for one another and show love just by using the talents and resources He has given us. Without a doubt the classes all gain from this very real technology work both with skills and caring.

The photo above shows some of the children from House of Aroha dressed in clothing made by textile students at Middleton Grange School. From left are Phiona, Sharon, Kuzaima, Eva and Hope.