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Middle School Production - Disney Aladdin Jnr.


As the end of the year draws near...

...we can look back on an astonishing rehearsal and performance season of Disney Aladdin Jnr. With over 88 actors on stage, supported by a stage crew of 14 and a mighty team of technical and creative staff from Middleton Grange, Aladdin was an ambitious production to rehearse and perform. Every Thursday rehearsal was fully used, and included company, dance routines and multiple linked scenes. Over time we became a huge family of like-minded people who shared the thrill of sold-out performances. We thank all who supported and attended Aladdin this year from the bottom of our hearts. We are deeply grateful for the opportunities to share our talents and gifts in God’s community at Middleton Grange and beyond.

Mrs Macfarlane and the magnificent Performing Arts team.