MGS — Jul 8, 2024

My name is William Stedman. I'm 24 years old, and I live in Christchurch.

I attended Middleton Grange for my entire school life from 2005 – 2018 (year 0-13).

I really enjoyed my time at Middleton. I made a lot of friends - many of whom I'm still close to now - and met my wife, Annika. I also found the teachers really good, and I felt very well set up for university studies. 

Since leaving Middleton, I have been studying Electrical Engineering at UC part time and I am currently ¾ of the way through the 4 year degree. Alongside this, I've continued to compete in Para-athletics. In 2021, I won bronze and silver medals at the Paralympic Games in Tokyo, and at the Paris 2023 World Champs, I won double silvers.

In 2024, I've decided to put my studying on hold to concentrate on a busy athletics year. I have just returned from the Para-athletics world championships in Japan where I won my first international gold and another silver, and I am currently ramping up my preparation for the Paralympic Games in Paris where I will compete in the 400m and Long Jump.

I have seen God grow me a lot as a person over the last few years. Relying on God through the stresses and ups and downs of being a professional athlete has been so important to me. The environment can be very achievement driven, all about the results and how you perform. For so many athletes, sport and their sporting achievements can become their identity. The problem with this is that, like so many things in life, sport is very fickle. Injuries, sickness, poor results - the list of what can disrupt this is endless. For me, although the issue of identity can still be a struggle at times, having my identity in Christ means that although I may not always perform, my value is secure in Him. This has been so reassuring to me at times of stress in competition.

A verse that has meant a lot to me is Philippians 4: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

God doesn't promise that things will always go well or according to plan, but he does promise peace.

If I was to give advice to current Middleton students, it would be to take hold of opportunities as they present themselves - you never know where they may take you. Remembering what is important and relying on God in everything you do is crucial.