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Luca, Tavé, Libby, Barnaby, Ethan, Caleb

Luca Stuart recently achieved a Distinction for Grade 2 Violin with Royal Academy of Music. Well done Luca.

Tavé Stuart recently received Distinction from RAD (Royal Academy of Dance) in Advanced 1 (Ballet). Awesome work Tavé.

Congratulations to Libby Jordan, Year 10 who came 4th in the National Finals of the Spelling Bee contest in Wellington . There were 21 contestants from all over NZ in the finals. She is seen here being presented with her finalist medal by the Spelling Bee Programme Director, Janet Lucas at the James Cook Hotel, Wellington. 

Barnaby Domigan, was selected to perform in the Showbiz production of Matilda. He is one of 19 children in the show, out of over 270 who auditioned. He’s the youngest in the cast (8), playing the role of Eric. The show will hit the stage next year from 14 April-1 May.

Ethan and Caleb Waines, Year 5 and Year 3 have been awarded several Distinction awards for ABRSM in Piano and Music over the year. In September Ethan won 1st Place in the University of Canterbury Arts and Science Competition for his video ‘The Science of Music’.