Zone Cross Country
On Thursday 19th May...
... a large contingent of Year 5-8 students headed to Nga Puna Wai for the West Zone Cross Country. Early rain in the day made the course slippery and as it was a new course this year, everyone was a bit unsure how the races would play out. The competition was very strong and our runners gave their absolute best. It was fantastic to see them competing so well and using their gifts and talents for the Glory of God.
A huge thanks must also be given to Mr Goldsbury, Miss Haliday, and the Year 13 Sports monitors who set up and marshalled the event. The feedback from the other schools involved was absolutely glowing and this is directly in response to the fantastic work and attitude they exhibited.
A number of runners will now be heading to the Canterbury event on Wednesday 22 June. We wish them all the best.