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Year 9 Food and Nutrition

Year 9 Food and Nutrition


The Year 9 Food and Nutrition class have designed their own ice blocks as a healthier alternative to store bought options. Each ice block contained a whole serving of fruit, so contributed to their "5+ A Day" fruit and vegetable intake. Pupils researched ideas and came up with many different flavour combinations. After a few trials, they presented their stakeholders with an ice block tailored to suit their specific tastes. 

Year 9 Food and Nutrition

Here is an example of one you can try from Bree McGregor and Lavinia Yorke:

Bree and Lavinia's Berry Blast Popsicles


1 ½ cups frozen strawberries

1 ½ cups vanilla yoghurt

2 T maple syrup

Ice block sticks

Ice block mould


  1. Place 1 cup vanilla yoghurt into ice block moulds.
  2. In a blender, blitz ½ cup strawberries, ½ cup yoghurt and 1T maple syrup until smooth. Place this in the ice block mould on top of the yoghurt.
  3. Blitz the remaining strawberries and maple syrup until smooth. Pour into the ice block moulds until almost full.
  4. Place sticks into ice blocks and freeze overnight.
  5. Enjoy! 
Year 9 Food and Nutrition