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Careers Day

Careers Days - Years 8, 9 and 10


On Monday 25th November Year 8, 9 and 10 pupils took part in a Careers Day. Below are three articles from pupils about the day.

Year 8 Careers Day

During the 2019 Careers Day all the Year 8 students gathered in the old gym for a day or learning about possible career choices. The first segment was other Year 8 students sharing about what makes them, them. There were three students who shared with us. The first person who shared with us was Gabby Van Tuinen. She shared about her family, friends and hobbies. The next speaker was Preet Bal who shared about her culture, family, pets and hobbies. Then share performed a traditional Indian dance to show what her culture is. The other half of the day was made up of other speakers. Emma from Attitude came to speak to us. She spoke about our personalities and how they make a difference when applying for a job. Many of the Year 8 pupils enjoyed her speech. Mrs Malcolm also spoke to us about our strengths and how we could use them in a certain career path. The afternoon was filled with various activities in our homerooms. Overall, Careers Day was very interesting and gave insight to what we may want to do with our futures.

By Amy Reynolds and Chanel Ooi

Year 9 Careers Day

Year 9 Careers Day was a beneficial learning tool which provided insight on different options and pathways to our futures. Among other things, the panel was one of the most helpful areas. Each individual portrayed expertise and experience in not only one area but many. Some even offered internship information. This helped highlight the idea that there is more than one way to follow God's path, something else we talked about.

The stories the panel talked about were enlightening and in some cases especially entertaining if not kind of gorey. Through the panel and the strength finders activities, not only did we learn about abilities, some we didn't even know about, that are perfectly suited to fit careers perfect for us. God has gifted/blessed us all with special abilities, talents and values we can use to honour him.

By Alex Prince and Emily Pearson

Year 10 Careers Day

Tuesday, 26th of November, the students of Year 10 got treated to a day, free of schoolwork, and instead learnt all about their future opportunities heading into senior college and later, university. Speakers, giveaways, quizzes and videos, this was a refreshing break from the usual six hours of torture the teachers hand out five days a week. Representatives came from all over Canterbury to share what their higher education schools had to offer, and to get us thinking about our future careers. This was a useful and informative time for us all.

By Zoe Roentgen and Amy Jorgensen