Isaac Stanton
Kia ora! My name is Isaac Stanton, and I graduated from Middleton Grange School in 2011.
I remember how much I didn't want to go to Middleton Grange School in 2007 as a year 9 pupil! At that point in my life, whilst I was brought up in a Christian family, I was attending a public primary school and was not too thrilled about entering the world of Christian Education.
I can comfortably say that by the time I graduated high school, I was convinced that being at Middleton Grange School was a key contributor in enabling me to grow a personal love for the Lord; it was the best decision my parents ever made for me. The positive atmosphere where we were constantly encouraged to do our best to glorify God is something I will never forget. Being around peers who were from faith filled families helped to smooth out a few rough edges that I had picked up and gave me a foundation to develop a personal faith upon.
One of the first impactful moments from my experiences at Middleton Grange came from the daily devotions from my whānau teacher, Mr Tinsley Gudsell, who repeatedly would share Psalm 1:1-6 each morning. I didn't quite understand back then why he would repeat this same verse to us, but as I look back now, he was giving us the keys as to how to live a life that was blessed by God. Being the experienced teacher that he was, he knew very much that a middle school student needed it drummed into them a few billion times for them to actually get the message! From Mr Geoff Steyn hitting up John Ramana for his overdue library books for what seemed to be the entirety of Year 10, to the antics that may or may not have happened in math class, I can say that I thoroughly enjoyed the journey through Middle School.
With the pinstripe blazer of the Senior College came the pressure of assessment (wahoo!). While I wasn't the most academic of students, I found a way to balance my learning whilst also getting involved in the Football 1st XI that was coached by Mr Matt Barlow. Matt became a close connection to me. We bonded over our love of the game and the band Lifehouse. Whilst winning Sophie the Trophy and Kate the Plate were fond memories we shared together, his ability to help me see how sport and faith can be entwined together is something I will never forget. Matt's investment in us kids outside of the our walls of the classroom encouraged me to do the same each and every year since.
After school, I completed a Bachelor of Education (Honours in Physical Education) at the University of Canterbury, and I returned to Middleton Grange School as a teacher in 2016 in which I have now been teaching for almost ten years. For seven years now, I have had the privilege of being involved in pastoral care as a Dean with five of those years being with the same cohort. I am passionate about pointing the next generation of young people towards Jesus and raising up leaders to be His hands and feet in their sphere of influence. I am heavily involved in the football and futsal programme, where I seek to demonstrate to the pupils that sport and faith can be intertwined.
My encouragement to the generations coming through Middleton Grange School relates to this whakatauki:
He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata, he tangata, he tangata!
Appreciate the connections you have in your life and cherish them. Show honour to those who have gone before you as they might just have some important things to say. Never close the door to the Holy Spirit and the Father's love; your encounter with Him might just be around the corner!