MGS — Jul 3, 2022

Graduated in 2019

Latest achievement – 2021 Winner of the 1News Ross Stevens Award – Reward of excellence in broadcast journalism. Jessica wins this award for her academic performance as a first-year journalism student. Jessica has now completed her second year of journalism degree and is stoked to complete her study with a 6 month internship with TVNZ in Wellington.

Some words from Jessica:

Broadcasting school has been a priority since year 13.  This was first born out of a love for people and stories, something hugely cultivated at my time at Middleton.  But significantly, this passion for news was rediscovered at the Global Young Leaders Conference I attended in 2019 in the United States – which was also facilitated, supported (and partially funded) by Middleton Grange.  There, I visited a Newseum in New York and realised the change news can bring – and instantly knew I wanted to be a part of it!

My teachers were such champions.  Shout out to Mr McConnell who helped me write my broadcasting application, Mrs Gomez who was my biggest encourager, Miss Gander the most supportive and engaged dean, Mr Bisseker who pushed my creativity and Mrs MacFarlane who really believed in me (and still sends me story tips).

Further, Middleton really prepared me well in the essence of refining my character for what has often been a challenging environment.  The early prayer walks with Mrs Vellupillai, Christian friends & teachers, and various Christian days etc.  The strength of the relationships and the importance of the lessons I’ve learnt there have equipped me well. I’m forever grateful!