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Newsletter #2


Niyanta, Lei, Helena, Gabrielle, Mia, Sofia

Niyanta Naiker, Lei Mohi and Helena Tulia received awards for their school leadership roles, at the Supreme Spacpac Award ceremony at Catholic Cathedral College. Gabrielle Horne and Mia Makaafi received awards for being top two Pasifika achievers from Middleton Grange in Level 2 results.  Gabrielle Horne was awarded for being the top Pasifika girl across Christchurch and Ashburton in NCEA Level 2 results. This was at the Spacpac Supreme awards.

Sofia Kennedy will be leaving on the 25th March to attend the Secondary Schools World Champs in Paris. She will represent MGS and NZ on the 4th of Aril. It would be nice for the School Family to be encouraging and praying for her as she heads off. Anyone can follow the race on facebook: New Zealand Secondary Schools Athletics Association. Also there's a Give a Little page set up for her: https://givealittle.co.nz/cause/worldchampsforsofia