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Year 13 Early Childhood Education Trips


The Year 13 Early Childhood Education Class has had the privilege of visiting two exceptional specialist educational services.

The first visit was to Van Asch Preschool in Sumner, where the Deaf and Hearing Impaired can receive education and support, both for the child and the whole family/whanau. The class has been enjoying learning Sign Language and the opportunity to see this in action in a teaching situation was very beneficial.

My experience at Van Asch preschool opened my mind to all these kids who have mostly been hearing-impaired since birth. It was great to see the amazing opportunities that these kids were able to have, and how focused all the teachers and parents are on their development and equal opportunities as any preschool aged kid. - Taylor

I was inspired by a story I learnt when I visited Van Asch preschool out at Sumner. It was a story of a family who travelled overseas to the Philippines in order to adopt a child specifically because of their disability in order to give the child access to specific equipment needed (cochlear implant) as well as giving and allowing them to reach their potential. - Sydney

I really enjoyed my visit to Van Asch preschool and found it so eye opening to see a preschool provide such great service to children specifically to meet their needs. The three children that were there were so incredibly supported and loved by their families and educators. I especially enjoyed watching the parents take part in a sign language class where it was evident that they worked hard to do what was best for their children by learning to communicate with them. The trip was an incredible experience which taught me a lot about those who face challenges of hearing loss in their lives. - Esther

My experience at Van Asch was incredible. I learnt so many new things and the opportunity to get to connect with the children and the parents was amazing, it was incredible to see how involved the teachers and parents were in learning sign language and helping them get a better understanding of the environment around the. One thing that shocked from my trip to Van Asch is how they were so prepared for everything because before Van Asch was a dumping place for kids who were outcasted and who were "hopeless and had no chance at life" and now it's an amazing place where kids can go with their parents and have an immense amount of support and have the opportunity to be a normal kid without being seen as an outcast of society. It was definitely a trip worthwhile!! - Melody

Going to Van Asch was an awesome experience because we got to see how the parents got involved in their child's learning, like sign language themselves so they will be able to teach and communicate properly with their child. It's amazing how technology has changed through the years and it's impressive to see how many hearing tools there are today to help these kids. I think it's really important for people to learn sign language so we can all communicate with each other. - Isabella

Van Asch was a really nice experience for me, it was great watching all the children using and understanding sign language. I never thought that children with disabilities would have so much support from other people in the communities. We were told that the Van Asch Centre has been around since 1873. Another interesting thing was there was a person helping the parents learn sign language. Learning about all these opportunities that the children have was quite fun but not being able to communicate with them in sign language was a disadvantage while visiting the centre and I feel that the children will be more comfortable around people who know sign language better since they are still learning - Niyanta

I am so glad I got to visit Van Asch because I had a wonderful time there. I loved how there were constant teacher to parent to children interactions and lots of activities that involved everyone. Although it was only for a few hours it was so nice to be a part of the colourful and cheerful environment of the preschool. The willingness of the parents to learn sign language and be with their children was so great to see. I hope someday I am able to revisit Van Asch. - Min

At Van Asch it was so awesome to watch the parents being so involved in their child's learning and joining in on the activities and mat times. I really enjoyed watching the parents learn sign language from a sign language teacher, and I was even able to pick up a few things from watching them. It was interesting to look around the Audiology building, and hearing from the audiologist. - Emily

The second visit was to the early intervention programme at The Champion Centre Preschool in Burwood. This preschool and intensive therapy programme, was established forty years ago by a group of visionary teachers and mothers who believed children born with special needs should not be put in institutions, but should have the best opportunities to develop their full potential. The visit was inspirational and thought-provoking.

It was interesting how planned out the play area was with the different textures, sounds etc. I liked how all of the therapists get together to discuss the children.

It was a really great experience as I learned so much and got to ask any questions I had. They were great answers by the way. I liked the music room the most as it was calming and fun. It's amazing to see how much effort everyone put into the children. I admire that so much!

It was such a great opportunity to visit the Champion Centre. The cradle that was used for music therapy was very interesting and so soothing.

It was such a great experience seeing how valued each child and family were. The support was really good to see. Also, having that place where the children and families can go where they can be open and accepted was so good to see.

The experience at the Champion Centre was really eye opening as the time spent there showed us how much effort is needed to fully care and support the children there. The environment felt really child and family based which showed a great sense of community. I found that the teachers put in extra effort to form good healthy relationships with both the parents and children. They truly care about the welfare of the families and work with the families to bring the children up in a nurturing way.