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Middleton Grange School

Newsletter #7 - 9 November 2023


From the Deputy Principal

by MGS

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Whanau,

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Celebrating Excellence in Art Exhibition

by MGS

On the evening of Thursday 19th October...

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The Fridge Radio

by MGS

Our school's radio van...

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Room 11 - Learning Microbit Coding

by MGS

Room 11 are...

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Ruma Iwa

by MGS

Ruma Iwa are learning...

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Year 7 Careers Day

by MGS

On Wednesday, 9 November...

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Hope for Kids for Year 4

by MGS

During our...

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Canterbury Maths Association Year 12 Maths Competition

by MGS

Two teams of...

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Primary Enviro Team

by MGS

Some of the...

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9ERB – Electronics and Micro-controller Project

by MGS

The students...

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by MGS

Tongxi, Payton, Peyton, Mia

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Room 12 and 13 Rocky Shore Trip

by MGS

Room 12 and 13 enjoyed...

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International College Year 12 & 13 Leavers Dinner

by MGS

Once again we...

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MGS Class of 2013 - 10 Year Reunion

by MGS

The event was...

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Year 4 visits Chemistry Lab

by MGS

The year 4's...

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Getting into the Spirit!!

by MGS

In Week 3...

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Open your heart, open your home...

by MGS

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to host an international student in your home?

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Year 10 Food and Nutrition: Technological Modelling

by MGS

Esther Ling and Paige Souza Godoy Moreira...

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