MGS — November 7, 2023
Our school's radio van...
...made a groovy appearance at the Riccarton Community Church street party, where we jammed to tunes, interviewed folks, and handed out iceblocks to keep it cool, fresh, and good. Definitely a highlight of the year for The Fridge Radio! - 88.3FM".
The Fridge serves up "The Healthy Breakfast", 7-9 each morning:
7:00 News
7:02 One Square Meal with Murray Robertson
7:40 Hymn de Jour
7:45 Daily Bread - today's New Testament-in-a-year reading
7:50 Hundreds and Thousands - for kids of all ages
8:00 News and Sports
8:03 Vintage Cheese - a musical blast from the past
8:15 Food for Thought - studio guest
8:30 Teacher Feature
8:45 Soul Food - Psalm of the day
All here on The Fridge 88.3FM - search online for "The Fridge radio"