Year 10 Food and Nutrition: Technological Modelling

MGSNovember 7, 2023

Esther Ling and Paige Souza Godoy Moreira...

...both produced outstanding tartlets in 10FNT this week. They both made the most of the opportunity to "model", develop and refine their recipes which resulted in delicious and very pretty tartlets. Esther made Mango tarts that looked like daisies! Paige made a bright pink raspberry mousse, white chocolate mousse and a raspberry coulis.

Special mention also goes to Josiah McKenzie for his cafe-worthy Nacho tartlets, and Waka Kawaguchi and Olivia Hackney for their pizza-inspired tartlets that both smelled exactly like the real deal.

"Most improved" goes to Jarod Opsima (Strawberry Chocolate tarts) and Wataru Urata (Apricot Frangipani (almond) tarts) who showed excellent time management and cooking skills when making their second prototypes. 

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