MGS Class of 2013 - 10 Year Reunion

MGSNovember 7, 2023

The event was...

...organised by Sophie Te Awa (Barnett), Mark James, Sophie Hagen (Peterson), and Ben MacGregor - the Head students back in 2013. It was held in The Grange Foyer on Saturday and had almost 100 attendees (including children).

The organising team did a fantastic job! Mark and Sophie welcomed everyone to the event and shared memories of 2013, Mike Vannoort thanked everyone for coming and staying connected, and Sam Rees organised a fun throw back Kahoot quiz. A number of people continued on afterwards and had refreshments together, followed by a dinner in town.

Many people travelled to Christchurch for this event, including someone coming over from Germany!

It was such a blessing to see everyone together and enjoying each other's company. God is good!

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