40 Hour Fridge

MGSJune 26, 2023

The Fridge...

...radio station hosted the annual 40 hour fridge where we livestreamed for 40 hours straight as part of the World Vision 40 hour challenge. Our goal was $1250 - and we raised $2178! Our "40 Hour Challenge" was to broadcast live for 40 hours - day and night. The live stream consisted of our wonderful hosts, insightful interviews and Bible readings every half an hour. Thank you to everyone who supported us by listening and donating. Below are some photos of our hosts from the weekend. Special thanks to Mr Collier for donating 40 vintage collectables for auction, which raised nearly $800.

In other news, the Fridge welcomes listeners in Hamilton on 107.7FM ! Many thanks to the Hansen family and Brent Brown for making this happen. We're now on air in four centres, and growing. If you know someone with an elevated property, might they be willing to house equipment like this so their town can hear The Fridge?

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