Mr Vannoort
MGS — June 26, 2023
Dear Parents, Caregivers and Whanau,
How Family Devotion Time Helps Your Children
“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it.” - Proverbs 22:6 ESV
Family devotions are such an important part of a Christian household. So many of us know it—but it can be quite challenging to do it and to maintain it.
Growing up, my parents did family devotions with my older brother and I each evening after dinner. Without fail, we’d be around the dinner table, taking turns reading through the Psalms or another book of the Bible, and reflecting on what God was saying. On reflection, I think having dinner at the dining table helped with this and made for better, quality family time where parents and children can talk about the activities of the day, as opposed to having TV dinners where this is much more difficult.
Those devotions and family times had an impact on me because that was part of my training as a young child.
I learned the power of consistency.
When I had a family of my own, we did the same thing with our children as we realised that in order to grow our relationship with the Lord, it’s so important to be consistent in our time with him.
We’re encouraged in Psalm 1 to meditate on his law day and night. And just like a tree that grows steadily over time, we flourish into an oak whose branches never wither.
The Proverb 22:6 teaches us to train our children in the way they should go.
There is a major difference between “should” and “want to”. The verse isn’t that children should be trained in the way they want to go—but in the way they should.
Training is hard work. It requires repetition, discipline, and commitment. But do you know where this starts?
Not with our children—but with us parents!
In my life, I can pinpoint much fruit from consistent family devotions. Many times, I certainly didn’t want to spend time in the Bible and prayer as a family. But my parents made it non-negotiable. I saw their commitment to the Word and to my brother and me. This is part of how they’ve passed down their legacy of faith to us.
The Fruit of Family Devotions
Consistency is not easy, and it does require work, but it yields much fruit. And we’ll do well to remember that seeds become saplings which then grow into trees because they’re fed by sun, rain, and soil.
Do you have consistent family devotions with your children? It’s never too late to start. If not, start today! Maybe you can start a Bible reading Plan? Or even something as simple as reading a short Psalm and then praying to thank God for His many blessings and faithfulness, and then praying for your children or for one of their friends.
No matter how big or small, the point is that you start. And parents, this one is our responsibility. 🙂