Canterbury Girls Programming Workshop – Saturday June 3rd

MGSJune 26, 2023

While most in our school community...

...were enjoying the long Kings Birthday weekend, a group of seven Middleton Grange girls gave up their Saturday and joined 60 other high school girls interested in learning about programming.

The workshop, hosted be the University of Canterbury, was run by their ‘Women in Tech Society’, WitSoc. The aim was to give the participants an opportunity to learn something about programming, working collaboratively to solve problems with help from the expert ladies from WitSoc.

The participants from Middleton were:

Zoe Brown and Nina Zhao (Year 9), Lucy Drauna (Year 10), Elme Pieterse (Year 11), Margaret Prima (Year 12) and Gemma Jackman and Abbie O’Dell (Year 13)

In addition to learning some practical programming skills the girls also had the opportunity to talk with the WinSoc representatives about Computer Science and programming career opportunities for women. The worldwide shortage of women is of concern to all players in the industry and the underlying aim of the day is to encourage more girls to at least be aware of the opportunities which exist.

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