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Middleton Grange School

Newsletter #4 - 27 June 2023


Mr Vannoort

From the Principal

by MGS

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Whanau,

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Tu Kaha

by MGS

Tu Kaha was a special night, filled with passion, mana, and whakawhanuangatanga.

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Year 9-13 Canterbury Cross Country

by MGS

We had a 13 strong squad...

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by MGS

Peyton, Mia, Payton, Jennifer, Timothy, Peter, Lydia, Sara, Alyssa, Jordan, Julia, Jared, Reuben, Caleb

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Year 7 Jump Jam Competition

by MGS

Year 7 classes recently...

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Canterbury Primary Cross Country

by MGS

Nga Puna Wai...

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International Leadership Team Training

by MGS

Our learning experience was based at Gap Filler, Place of Play HQ.

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Adult English Class

by MGS

On Monday and Wednesday mornings...

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Primary School Swimming Lessons

by MGS

Recently the Primary School students...

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40 Hour Fridge

by MGS

The Fridge...

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Shrek Giveaway Winners

by MGS

Over the past few weeks...

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Year 7 & 8 Digital Technology

by MGS

Mr McKenzie and Mrs Hooks...

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Room 11

by MGS

Room 11 are very excited...

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International Food Festival

by MGS

Taste your way Around the World!!

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Pasifika Leadership Day

by MGS

Forty three Year 9 to 13...

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Canterbury Girls Programming Workshop – Saturday June 3rd

by MGS

While most in our school community...

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Year 4 Sharing Assembly

by MGS

The Primary School...

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Room 11 P.A.V.E.

by MGS

Room 11...

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Room 13 P.A.V.E.

by MGS

SKMA took their...

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Canterbury Schools Programming Competition

by MGS

This is an...

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Lunchtime in the Primary Library

by MGS

Winter in the...

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Year 10 Social Studies

by MGS

In week five...

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Homestay Recruiting

by MGS

Open your heart, open your home...

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