Middleton Grange School Athletics – South Island Championships 2023

MGSApril 2, 2023

Surrey Park Track – Invercargill - Friday 31st March – Sunday 2nd April Report

After making the long trip to the deep South, we were greeted with sunny weather on the first day of competition. From the MGS team, only Toby Orr participated on Friday, but it was a great start, with Toby winning his under 14 Hammer Throw event.

Saturdays’ competition started in cold and wet conditions, but it soon fined up to a beautiful Invercargill day.

Our Athletes gave it their all and we can be proud of their efforts on and off the track. They achieved three first places, four second places and one third place. As every athlete will know, doing well and placing in the top three is one goal, but achieving a personal best time, height or distance is also a big goal. Our team of nine athletes achieved seven PB’s in their various events.

Mel Havea was outstanding with her first places in Shot Put and Discus. Toby Orr’s first in Hammer Throw, second in Javelin and fifth in Discus was also excellent. We ended on Sunday with a very exciting relay where our Under 15 Boys’ team of Sam Guirgis, Gabriel Dos Santos, Joshua Dos Santos and Ryan Beckingsale ended second. Ryan was chasing down the CBHS runner in the finishing straight, but could just not ‘haul’ him in.

Geoff Steyn 

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