Middleton Grange - The land of God and Education

Article by: Annette Bulović (Alumni 1988 - 1993)

February 3, 1964, in Christchurch, New Zealand Middleton Grange School, New Zealand’s largest evangelical Christian School, situated in Upper Riccarton, opened on 4th February 1964. It began as a completely independent Christian school with just 64 students and 4 teachers. In 1996, the school was integrated into the state system with over 1300 students, ranging from Year 1 to Year 13. The land that would be first known as the ‘Middleton Block’ was purchased by Canterbury Association Committee member, Rev. Thomas Rowley in 1850. It would be for his son, Thomas Rowley Jnr. who was part of the main body of Canterbury Association’s settlers. The young, Thomas Jnr. arrived in Lyttelton aboard the ‘Minerva’ - the association’s 26th ship - in February 1853. When Thomas Jnr. became engaged to Emily Mathias in 1855, he built a cob cottage at Middleton in preparation for married life. The couple was to remain at Middleton until 1861 when the cottage and 100 acres of its land were placed on sale. Middleton Block was purchased by Rev. Croasdaile Bowen, the first Vicar of St Peter’s Anglican Church at Church Corner, Upper Riccarton. Funnily enough, though, Middleton was never the home of Croasdaile but it did become home to his brother, Charles Christopher Bowen, and his family. As with most new house owners, the Bowens made Middleton their own, adding a second story in 1875 along with a new kitchen, study, and more bedrooms. It wouldn’t be until 1878, with the input of Canterbury’s famed architect Benjamin Woolfield Mountfort, that the property would become known as Middleton Grange – due to the additions of dormers to the house. Both Bowen brothers were instrumental in the establishment of the educational system in New Zealand. Charles is known as the main promoter of free education for all children, while Croasdaile designed how a state school should function, including the non-intrusive use of the bible. To list all the achievements of these men would add pages to this post but just know they helped shape the lives of New Zealanders and Cantabs in many different ways. As for Croasdaile, his first love would all remain the church and he held the position of Archdeacon of Christchurch for 32 years. He preached the Word of God right until his last few months of life. In fact, his voice was suddenly stolen by a ‘…paralysis of the brain…’ while he was right there on the pulpit. When he died in 1890, the bells of the Christchurch Cathedral tolled 58 times, 30 seconds apart, to acknowledge his 58 years of service to Canterbury. Charles Christopher Bowen died in 1917; his wife Georgina followed him 4 short years later. Middleton Grange was passed down to one of Bowen’s daughters and then to her son. He sold the land out of the family in the 1940s.
By the time the Christian School Trust took an interest in Middleton Grange, the house had undergone further extensions, with the front and side verandahs now gone. It had also been covered in stucco. What a fitting continuation of its history for such a piece of land! There seems to have been no other destiny for this fine ‘…example of domestic architecture in Christchurch…’ following in the path of the lives of the Rowleys and the Bowens – two families who loved God and a good education.

*This post and image are courtesy of Discover The Delights Of Peeling Back History – www.peelingbackhistory.co.nz and www.facebook.com/PeelingBackHistory*

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