Mike Vannoort

From the Principal

MGSFebruary 28, 2023

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Whanau,

How God gets the Glory

Mark 10:45

“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Have you ever wondered why God is so humble?

  • He created the universe with a word.
  • He raised the dead.
  • He calms stormy seas.
  • He sits on an eternal throne.
  • He walked on waves.

…and we could keep listing reasons God is so glorious!

However, today’s verse brings us something unexpected.

Instead of finding an individualist in Jesus the Creator, we find a surprise: perfect humility.

Jesus came in the rags of a peasant rather than the robes of a prince.

He was the promised Son of Man, the Messiah, God’s Anointed. The Christ long awaited and now finally here.

Yet this high priest and high king did not come to be served but to serve and give his own life for us!

When we zoom out, though, this actually honours Jesus more than we ever could. Here’s how.

Jesus's sacrifice proves his immeasurable worth—how incredible that ONE MAN could be exchanged for the salvation of EVERY OTHER!

God gets glory by being a giver, not a taker.

Jesus didn’t come to this earth to take, but to give. And he shows us how his people view glory—not with fleshly vision, but spiritual eyes.

Disciples don’t see people as ATM machines, spitting out the “value” we want to extract from them. People don’t exist for our satisfaction; we exist for their salvation.

Christians don't do glory like the world does glory.

Our glory is to follow Jesus as a servant. We glorify him in both our gratitude for what he’s done, and our obedience for what he’s called us to do.

As we serve, laying down our lives, wants, and wishes, we show the world there is someone of infinite value who has given himself to us. In Christ we have everything. What can this world give to children of the Most High King?

Hebrews 4:16

“Be careful not to claw and scratch for dirt, when our Father sits upon a throne of gold and of grace, inviting us to draw boldly to him.”

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