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Middleton Grange School

Newsletter #1 - 6 March 2024


Mr Vannoort

From the Principal

by MGS

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Whanau,

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Welcome - New Staff

by MGS

We warmly welcome the following new staff to Middleton Grange School in 2024.

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Senior College Academic Awards

by MGS

Celebrating God's favour on student achievement 2023

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Middleton Grange School 2023 NCEA Results

by MGS

We are very thankful...

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House Competition

by MGS

The House Competition...

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Year 13 Camp

by MGS

Early in Term One...

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Te Haerenga Ceremony and Activity Day

by MGS

We are all...

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Health NZ Waitaha "Explore Your Career with Us" Schools Expo

by MGS

Seven students...

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Year 3 and 4 Discovery Session

by MGS

The year 3 and 4 team...

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Year 11 Living Springs

by MGS

In an effort...

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Spacpac Pasifika Leadership Retreat

by MGS

Two Year 13 students...

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School Group visit to Euromarque Motorsport Park

by MGS

Middleton Grange students...

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Primary Enviroteam

by MGS

The Primary Enviroteam...

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Te Herenga Class

by MGS

During our Te Herenga class...

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Room 11

by MGS

Room 11...

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Year 7 STEM

by MGS

Students in Year 7...

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Learning Centre

by MGS

This year...

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Bike Track Volunteers

by MGS

It's great to see...

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Christchurch Earthquake Memorial Service at Avonhead Cemetery – Thursday 22 February 2024

by MGS

Middleton Grange School...

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The Fridge 88.3FM

The Fridge 88.3FM

by MGS

The Fridge 88.3FM serves up The Healthy Breakfast: 7-9am weekdays.

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