by MGS Comm

Year 13 Camp

MGSMarch 5, 2024

Early in Term One...

...the majority of Year 13 set off to go on Year 13 camp. They left bright eyed and bushy tailed, excited at the possibility of fun, laughter, and hanging out with friends.

The first night set the scene for a great time ahead. Games were played and fun was had. It was great to see the students initiate a worship session that saw many students praying for each other – this was a credit to students and showed how real their faith is. Sleep was sparse, and the next day got off to a slow start. But the sun quickly rose and a day of activities ensued.

Students showed how fearless they were on the climbing wall; they braved perilous heights on the zip line; and they reached frightening speeds on the go-karts. They used air-rifles, bows and arrows, and made the most of the open spaces to run around in.

The waterslide was a highlight due to the hot weather, and there were many interesting interpretations on how to descend quickly.

Undoubtedly, however, it was the house challenge on Wednesday evening that proved the biggest hit. A wide array of skills were on display as each house battled it out to be crowned winner. Ultimately, despite taking a number of cheap shots from the other houses, it was Wilson who came out on top. A deserved result from an outstanding group of young people.

The camp finished with an exhausted bunch of Year 13s loading into busses and sleeping their way home.

Overall, it was a wonderful time of connection, fellowship and good times. An amazing group of students, who did themselves proud and set the tone for a great year to come.

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