Jessica Vader — Aug 29, 2019

This programme is led by yoga teacher, Madeline Waldegrave and wellbeing coach Jessica Vader. Our mission is to help children become more grounded and centered in this fast paced world.

Initially this programme is for Year 3-6 but please feel free to indicate your interest if you have younger children as we can begin to assess the possibility of a class for junior students going forward.

Classes take place in Room 13 at Milford School from 3:00-4:30pm on Wednesdays.

Throughout this combined ten week programme beginning in Term 4, your child will have the opportunity to learn about the following:

Personal Resilience:
Strategies to help your child can calm themselves when big emotions arrive.
Learn more about how their brains work, including how their ‘emotional control centre’ works.
How mindfulness and positive self-talk can help them find positive outcomes.
How to self-coach to work through difficult emotions.
How to use a Growth Mindset to bounce-back.
Through using yoga children will have the opportunity to learn:
To physically enhance their flexibility, coordination, body awareness and strength.
To make conscious decisions with compassion.
Relaxation and breathing techniques.

Email to register your interest. Price $223 for the term including materials.

Please note: This is a complete package and sessions missed by students will not be made up or refunded.