Hero photograph
Photo by Sam Gilchrist

Story Sharing in Year 3

Ellen von Collas —

During our unit of inquiry, How We Express Ourselves, we learnt that humans use storytelling in different ways to express emotion, cultures and perspectives. The purpose of stories is usually to entertain, to educate, to inform or explain, to promote something, or to express emotions. Sometimes stories have more than one purpose. We also learnt that stories can be told from different perspectives and that there can be many versions of one story.

Over time, stories have been told in many ways, from cave drawings and hieroglyphics to books, music, dance, drama, puppet shows, animations, movies and so much more.

To wrap up our inquiry, children worked independently or in groups to create their own stories which they shared in many different ways including books, songs, video animations, puppet shows and posters. Please enjoy the photos below for a snapshot of our storytelling.