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Milford School Fundraising Event at Jump Trampoline Park

Admin —

Friday July the 2nd is a Teacher Only Day and as such, school will be closed for the day. FOMS have organised an exclusive one hour session at Jump Trampoline Park on Arrenway Drive for our students to fundraise towards a new Year 3/4 playground. This is also a great opportunity for parents/caregivers to meet each other.

When: Friday 2 July
Time: Arrive at 10.30am for an 11am -12pm jump slot
Cost: $15 per person. This includes the *kids and adults ninja course.

Please note: This is NOT a drop off and leave event. Children must be supervised by an adult. Spectators are free, however, if you would like to jump with your child/ren, please purchase a ticket as well.

Jump socks must be worn. If you do not already have these, they can be purchased on the day at a cost of $1 per pair.

*Ninja course height restrictions: Must be over 110cm for the Kids Ninja Course and over 150cm for the Adults Ninja Course.

Prepay for your ticket through Kindo now. Numbers are limited to 130 so get in quick.