Hero photograph

Tough Guy & Gal

Danielle Nicholson —

Last Wednesday 68 students went to Tough Guy & Gal held in Kumeu. There was excitement during the roll and everyone had on clean clothing! We packed up the cars and took to the motorways to get to Kumeu. On arrival, there was a buzz in the air! Students from schools across Auckland came together to run in the annual MUD RUN. Bibs were attached to all students, shoes taped on tight and nervousness started to creep in as the MC started to hype up all 1000+ students attending. Year 7/8 ran first, followed by Year 5/6 and then the Year 4 students. Following the run, students rushed to the showers and were awarded a medal AND a Hell Pizza Voucher! Well done all participants and hope to see you next year!

A HUGE thank you to the wonderful parent helpers who transported, supported and supervised the students. We can't give incredible opportunities like this without your help.

Keep an eye on the newsletter next year in early Term 2 for registration.

- "It was the best day ever, I am definitely doing it again next year!" - Chaz, Year 4