Hero photograph

Holy Moly Arts and Crafts Holiday programme and After School Classes

Admin —

After school art classes. Classes suit both boys and girls. The classes are all ages in together, which fosters learning and assisting between the older and younger students. The classes are gentle and nurturing in nature, and suit the quieter child.

Holiday Art Workshop

Art all day! 9am to 3pm $65 + gst/day
See website for all the details.

After School Classes

Mondays Starting 2nd week of the term
Time: 3 - 4.30pm
Cost: $189 + gst per term
Where: Waterwise Building
  • SKILLS No skills are required. I teach everything that is needed to complete our project.

  • MATERIALS All materials are supplied as part of the course fee.

  • COURSE Enrolling into a course means attending for the whole term, as we work on one project which gets taken home on the last day.

For more information or to enrol, please contact:

Y O L A N D E L I G H T   0 2 7 4 2 3 0 1 7 3

y o l y @ h o l y m o l y . c o . n z