Hero photograph

Principal's Message

Sue Cattell —

Gosh I love my job, and one of the best parts is spending time in the classrooms. Today I spent the morning in The Hive, and it really amazes me how self-managing these students are. They certainly directed me as to the usual routines and expectations, and were so knowledgeable about what they were learning. Amazing students!

Thank you for all the great feedback we have received on the new newsletter format. We do apologise for the glitch that saw you have to open the link through a word doc. Our school internet went down before lunchtime last Friday (an outside issue) so we had to get it out via a different way than usual. If you have any feedback, please let us know.

I know the PTA are just finishing up the final totals of the Fruity Sacks fundraiser and will giving out the prizes in the assembly in Week 10. Stay tuned for the final totals! Please also note, if you have not already returned any unsold bags, please do so by Monday. 

We love to share our students successes outside of the school, and today our congratulations go to Jake Macken, who recently took part in a trampoline competition and achieved a personal best. Well done Jake! (Please see the article further in the newsletter.)

Many of you will remember the Give a Kid a Blanket event we took part in last year. Grace Young (Year 6 this year) brought this initiative to our school and she has inspired us to do it again. This community action is about giving warm blankets and pyjamas to those who get cold at this time of year. Next week, Tuesday 25 June, we are having a mufti day where students can either wear mufti clothes or pyjamas to school. Instead of a gold coin donation, we ask that you bring either a blanket (in good condition) or some new pyjamas, that we can pass to the charity. We ask that all items are taken to the hall when you arrive at school. Thank you for your support of this initiative.

A reminder we have a Teacher-Only Day next Friday so school is closed for instruction. Please ensure you have made alternative arrangements for your children. This is part of a two-day professional development workshop for the teachers (they will be at school on Saturday too). We never stop learning!

Coming home next Thursday is your child’s mid-year report on their achievement and effort so far this year. Please look out in the school bag for this. If you have any questions on anything in the report, please just ask your child’s teacher.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Ngā mihi nui.

Sue Cattell
