Hero photograph

We are very grape-ful.

Grace Osborne —

Year 5 would like to say a very big thank you to a special group of people who have made Garden to Table possible for us this term! Firstly, to Alicia and Nic, our garden and kitchen specialists who plan and run our sessions each week. We have really enjoyed getting muddy in the garden, weaving flax flowers and harvesting kumara, pumpkins and much more. We have become a lot more confident using the sharp knives and have created some delicious dishes including warming winter curries.

We also want to thank our parent and grandparent helpers. Each week they give up their time and without their help we wouldn't be able to do all of the gardening and cooking that we really look forward to!

You don't have to be a Year 5 parent to help out in any of the GTT sessions so if you would like to join us on a Tuesday or Thursday morning in the kitchen or garden, please add your name to this document or contact Miss Osborne - grace.osborne@milford.school.nz