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News from the Garden Shed 🌻

Ellen von Collas and Jillian Sommers —

This week was our last Gardening Club session for the year. We celebrated by giving out tool belts to all those children who attended every week, or those who'd only missed a session for good reason. We have had fantastic attendance to Gardening Club this term. Those children who had already received gardening tool belts in the past were given a packet of seeds - we hope you enjoy your sunflowers.

After that, we planted salvia for the bees and basil. We also weeded and watered in preparation for leaving the garden over the holidays. We finished the session with some juicy strawberries from the strawberry patch, and gave out some silverbeet leaves for children to enjoy with their dinner. We still have some wildflower seedlings which will be available to purchase at our Gardening Club stall at the Festival of Song this evening. Special thanks to Michelle Dickson for helping out over the year.